Monday, August 4, 2014

Summer Assignments Keep your creativity FLOWING!

Hello, Scholars!

This blog is going to be where you and your parents/guardians can see what art class assignments are due, see what resources are available and see/read interesting things about art.  Some things will just be for fun, some things will be relevant to what you will be learning in art class and some things will be specific to your interests.  
You will need to check this blog DAILY because I am not going to print out extras of any assignment.  Everything will be in this blog.  If you are absent, you can look this information up and not ever hand in a late assignment.

Also, I have read all of your reflections on art class this past year and I am planning to dazzle you with things you requested as well as new materials and techniques.

8th Graders - read the assigned chapters (1-4) in "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud.
Get the PAPERBACKBuy the Paperback version at Amazon, but it doesn't have to be a new copy of the book.

Definitions should be written out with the part of speech (typed if possible).  Use Art Lex OR Happy Scribbles to get the definitions.

FINALLY, HAVE YOUR ART CLASS SUPPLIES ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.  Should you have any problems getting these items, please let me know:

5th, 6th & 7th Graders - Get ready for an amazing year!

Countdown to school happens now!  All of you had the same summer assignment and I hope you have enjoyed the project.  It is important to keep your mind sharp throughout the year.  Look around you and see the art that New York City (and everywhere!) has to offer.

The original photos you are taking for the summer assignment can be saved on an external hard drive or you can print them out in a WORD document (don't make them too large - I don't want you to waste paper or ink).
Definitions should be written out with the part of speech (typed if possible).  Use Art Lex OR Happy Scribbles to get the definitions.

Have your supplies for the first day of class.  Let me know if you have any issues getting these items by emailing me: