Saturday, April 9, 2016

A+R+T is Art during Math State Tests's happening.  Art class on the days of the Math State Tests!  It's a FAKE BRAIN BREAK because you are still learning and creating in school...and you LOVE IT.

Let's enjoy this time.

BABY PHOTOS ...ASAP.  Email to Ms. Hillman:
MANDALAS...I want them.  Get them to Ms. Hillman.
Morehouse, your masks continue when we have art class.  That's all there is to it.  DID I MENTION I WANT YOUR BABY PHOTOS?????  Any other photos you love that are school appropriate and with your classmates, please email to me.

7th Grade ~ FAMU
Joseph's artwork.
Sy'rae's Missy Elliot
The value in understanding VALUE was upon us, then FAMU crushed it.  We continue with this important element of art and start a still life next week.

In the meantime, the Value projects are the latest bulletin board showcase, so come up to the 3rd floor and see what all the hype is about.

Questions?  Email Ms. Hillman:

6th Grade ~ FISK
Graffiti is their jam.  Working on alphabet design this week.  That's all.

5th Grade ~ Xavier Self-Portrait Dreamers
When I grow up I want to be...

Questions? Email Ms. Hillman: