Saturday, May 16, 2015

Art Class Wind Down

Artwork by Ozzie!

8th Grade - Spelman & Morehouse

As the end your Middle School career approaches, think about all you've accomplished!  Some scholars did not get a chance to complete the final art project, if you want to complete your artwork, DO THAT and send a photo of your finished piece to this email account: - I will give you credit for it and your grade will skyrocket.

Otherwise, see you soon and THANK YOU for the lovely card. 

5th Grade - Tuskegee & Xavier

Will we complete the MONEY project?  If not this year, first thing next year because I want to guide you to success.  You will be learning SCRIPT (a.k.a. penmanship) and it's SO important to master!  In the meantime, enjoy your weekend and stay tuned for updates on this blog!  

6th Grade - Hampton & FISK and 7th Grade - FAMU & Howard

Self-Portraits were difficult but the formula for facial features is very similar to mathematical formulas, so practice is best!  Use the notes and worksheets given in class and keep practicing!  IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH YOUR GRADE FOR THE SELF-PORTRAIT, YOU SHOULD MAKE CORRECTIONS (OR DO OVER) AND EMAIL A PICTURE OF YOUR CORRECTED WORK  IT WILL HELP YOUR GRADE A LOT for the 4th Quarter.
See you soon!

Saturday, May 2, 2015


It's here!  The seniors are looking forward to finishing up their art projects (and I guess those other subjects too) so they can move towards the graduation stage knowing that fulfilled all of their PORTFOLIO requirements with pride!

8th Grade - Spelman & Morehouse

Monday we will finish printing our patterned papers using the objects or patterns you created on the printmaking plate.  All of this is based on Kehinde Wiley's artwork, which can be seen until May 24th at the Brooklyn MuseumYOU SHOULD REALLY SEE THE SHOW IN PERSON...there's nothing like seeing artwork in real life!  Come to class ready to work on Monday!

If you missed the movie on Kehinde Wiley "An Economy of Grace", watch it here.  Do Overs for the Do Now are THIS MONDAY ONLY.

**Bring in or email 1-4  Baby Pictures for 1-4 Dojo Points (1 pt per photo) to

5th Grade - Xavier & Tuskegee

Show and Tell in art class (Monday for Xavier and THURSDAY for Tuskegee) when you bring in an example of currency from another country.  Notes or Bills are preferable, but you earn Dojo points either way!    Show me the money!!! Project begins this week, but first...portraiture.  Vocabulary is due next class (test soon!).

7th Grade - Howard & FAMU

This doesn't look human, but it will!
Realistic portraiture is NO JOKE...  It's difficult but you are all up to the challenge.  This week, you will receive a packet to help you practice at home and in class.  Self-portraits go from there.  Take your time, read the directions, then follow them!  Sequence is important in this technique.

6th Grade Hampton & FISK

Jean-Michel Basquiat handouts are due Monday (for FISK) and THURSDAY (for Hampton).  I HIGHLY RECOMMEND going to the Brooklyn Museum to see his Notebook exhibit (and while you're there, you must see the Kehinde Wiley exhibit)!