Sunday, November 23, 2014

Pre-Thanksgiving Art Classes

Only TWO Days of School This Week?

You are NOT dreaming…it's true, but there is still work to be done and here is the breakdown:

5th Grade

Xavier and Tuskegee Scholars get ready for Vocabulary.  Quizzes are coming your way.  We will go over the expectations in our classes this week so you can be articulate students.  Don't know what "articulate" means…go get your dictionary RIGHT NOW!  You are going to need it for the rest of your art education with Ms. Hillman.

6th Grade Pop Artists

Diversity Day happens on December 5th and the mounted, completed artwork we worked on during Quarter 1 will be unveiled.  Join us!
In the meantime, we are learning about the states in America.  WHY are we learning about that in ART CLASS?  Well, aside from the fact that Art spans ALL subjects, we are working on a long term, deeply involved project that will deal with design techniques and geography!  That's why.  Start studying up on your states and capitals.

Let's ALL get to know this map.

7th Grade will not have Art Classes this week.

Don't cry, CPCMS Collage artists!  Next week we are completing the collage project and moving on serious vocabulary and a new project!  Happy Thanksgiving!


Kevin B. killed this project.   Great work!

Morehouse & Spelman scholars listen up!  Bring your sketchbooks to class from now on!  You are SUPPOSED to have them, so bring them to class.  Prepared scholars will earn DOJO POINTS that you will be able to use as bidding $ on the auction.  

Independent Weaving projects with untraditional/unorthodox materials was due last Wednesday.  Every day it is late decreases your point value.

Morehouse you have your vocabulary quiz on Tuesday. STUDY.  Let me grade them during independent work and while you hone your gesture drawing skills and get your AMAZING Grades before you leave for the very long weekend!

Questions about any of this?  Email Ms. Hillman @