Saturday, November 28, 2015 we come!

Chris Stain Street Art.  Look familiar?
I will keep trying to come up with new ways to sneak ART into your lives (and in these blog titles) and if you have any ideas, please let me know!

8th Grade Batik Artists

We have 6 classes left to complete the Batik Projects before the next big holiday break.  The last art blog post has a better version of the parts of the brain picture you were to color for the test.  COMPLETE IT USING THE 3rd page of the test that was returned last week to get extra points!  It's DUE MONDAY in class.  We will continue gluing our batiks this Monday and on Tuesday we paint using watered down acrylic for the 'dying' portion of batik. 
Vocabulary and technique quizzes will continue in these coming weeks.

Questions about any of this?  Email Ms. Hillman and get the answers:

5th Grade Sculptors

Calder Artwork Example
Tuskegee artists are doing REALLY well in their current attempts to be like Alexander Calder and it's not an easy task!  They drew contour line self-portraits (finding the inner and outer edges of their face) and from them, are now transforming their drawings into wire sculptures.  They have to make their sculptures sturdy  and not flimsy  so that the work can withhold the rough-and-toughness of 5th grade artists who are bending and twisting the wire!

We continue this week.  No homework!  Questions about any of this?  Email Ms. Hillman and get the answers:

7th Grade Researchers

Howard students, your final, awesome, amazing research project - ALL THREE PARTS - are due Tuesday in class.  You will be handing in the rubrics for each along with your typed work.  IF YOU EMAILED IT TO ME, YOU WILL ONLY BE HANDING IN THE RUBRICS (PARTS 1 & 2 are HERE.   PART 3 RUBRIC is HERE.  Make sure you follow all criteria.   More information about class presentations will be given in class this week and posted on the blog so you always have it available to you.

Questions about any of this?  Email Ms. Hillman and get the answers:

6th Grade Hamptonites!

The big reveal for your next project happens this Tuesday so come ready to be dazzled!  Enjoy your weekend!

You shouldn't have any questions about this...but if you do, Email Ms. Hillman: